With Onfleet, Everything’s Coming Up Roses for Flowers for Dreams

With Onfleet, Everything’s Coming Up Roses for Flowers for Dreams

When buddies Steven Dyme and Joseph Dickstein first conceived of an on-demand florist startup while still in college, neither dreamed that what started as a summer project for extra cash would evolve into a game-changing model for how flower delivery itself could function. Or how it could represent, as the ( 5 min read )
In the Furniture Delivery World, Onfleet Gives AptDeco an Extra Leg to Stand On

In the Furniture Delivery World, Onfleet Gives AptDeco an Extra Leg to Stand On

When AptDeco launched in 2013, its concept was simple, yet incredibly innovative — connect buyers and sellers of quality home furnishings on an online platform that eliminates the need for participants to meet up face-to-face. In the age of Craigslist, the allure of secondhand shopping without having to interact with faceless ( 4 min read )
Re-plate Turns Abundance Into Fraternity with Onfleet

Re-plate Turns Abundance Into Fraternity with Onfleet

Ever wonder what becomes of all the leftover food generated by restaurants, conferences, grocery stores, and employer-catered lunches each year? Sadly, the vast majority heads straight to the landfill. Despite an abundance of both food and wealth, unequal resource distribution means that one in every four Bay Area residents faces ( 5 min read )
Onfleet Helps Foxtrot Deliver “The Good Life”

Onfleet Helps Foxtrot Deliver “The Good Life”

Almost as soon as Foxtrot opened its doors for business in 2014, its innovative perspective on gourmet indulgences and basic kitchen necessities proved to be a hit with the Uber generation. What initially attracted Chicago’s bustling young professional crowd was just that fact alone: there were no physical doors ( 4 min read )