Looking to power
your deliveries?

Trusted by thousands of companies since 2015, Onfleet simplifies the delivery process from start to finish. Start your free trial today or contact us to learn more.

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Top-rated Last Mile Delivery Software

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Top 20 Fleet Management Software

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Route Planning and Fleet Management Leader

Eliminate repetitive tasks with the best last mile delivery software

  • Optimize tasks for the most efficient route based on traffic conditions, construction, weather, etc.
  • Analyze delivery performance to improve cost-efficiency and fleet utilization.
Images displaying support examples for the product

Track performance and discover key insights

  • Visualize success rates, on-time rates, service times, feedback scores, distance traveled, and more.
  • Export analytics and raw task data to CSV or connect with hundreds of other apps to streamline your workflow with Onfleet’s API.
Images displaying support examples for the product

Streamline delivery status with automated messages

  • Onfleet tracking keeps customers informed when a delivery has started and when it can be expected.
  • Automated SMS text notifications provide location updates with ease.
Images displaying support examples for the product

Save time with
easy driver training

  • The Onfleet driver app provides a user-friendly design that allows drivers to quickly understand their tasks with minimal assistance.
  • Drivers can choose their preferred GPS app – Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, and more – for a familiar navigational experience.
Images displaying support examples for the product

Hot off the press

The latest news from the Onfleet blog.