A majority of employers offer workplace health and wellness programs, driven by the expectation that they will improve employee productivity and offer employees a more well-balanced, healthy life outside of work. Despite broad access to wellness programs, employee participation is sometimes limited, unless the program is fun and engaging. At Onfleet we found a creative way to introduce employees to our software AND incentivize them to move a little bit more in their day.
The opt-in, company-wide “Onfleet Fitness” has been a tradition and part of the team culture since before I started at Onfleet (over 3 years ago). When our former head of operations moved on, I was excited and flattered to be chosen to take the program over and keep the monthly ritual alive. The program is a fun way for Onfleeters to “drink our own champagne”, or in other words, have an opportunity to use our own mobile application, since we aren’t actually driving around our separate cities and making deliveries like our customers do.
The program is predicated on completing Onfleet tasks, which are equivalent to a fitness or wellness activity (gym time, run, wilderness hike, kiteboarding, rock climbing, yoga, etc). The rules are: each Onfleeter has 15 fitness tasks that refresh month-over-month, and only one fitness task or activity can be logged for the day. A fitness task is defined as “any exercise or activity that lasts at least 30 mins in duration”. For each task that you complete in a month, you are assigned a number of tokens based on a virtual “dice roll”. These tasks show up in our #onfleet-fitness Slack channel so your teammates can cheer you on, or even join you in a virtual workout if you share a common fitness interest!

Every month, the fitness tasks are refreshed with a new motivational quote, from our dear teammate and Manager of Marketing Demand Generation. One of my favorite quotes so far came from January of this year:
“January's Word: Activate
"Planning planning planning. We can plan ourselves into a corner sometimes. Get caught up in the details of the plan tweaking it again and again until it is perfect. But nothing is perfect. It is just more glamorous to say we are "planning something" than to just go out there and do it (and possibly fail). You did the planning. Put down the pencil. Close the browser window. It is time to move it. No more waiting. Getting started is really the hardest part. Activate your training plan, your new journal, your new strategy, your robot army. Whatever you have been waiting for, January is a month of action so activate yourself and put the wheels in motion for 2022."

At the end of the month, and the beginning of the new month, a winner is selected. It’s a random draw, however the more tasks logged and tokens collected by the Onfleeter, the higher their percentage of winning. What’s the prize, you ask? A whopping $100 in credits to cash in on an experience or gift card in our employee recognition and rewards program, Bucketlist. What could be better than being rewarded to take time for oneself in these crazy times? I’m so thrilled to be part of a team and culture that prioritizes healthy habits and self-care. It’s a win-win for employees to get introduced to the interface of our amazing app and create reoccurring healthy habits!