Today we're incredibly excited to announce the brand new dashboard Table view, available to all users.

Since our launch 4 years ago, Onfleet dispatchers have used our interactive map and sidebar to dispatch and track tasks and drivers in the field. While this view has powered over 40 million deliveries for our customers, we thought it was time to introduce a new option for different types of dispatchers to interact with the same powerful Onfleet tool.
Alongside the map displaying the location of all drivers and the status of those deliveries, dispatchers can now organize their operations with our sortable Table. For an experienced dispatcher, sometimes seeing where all of their drivers are located in real-time just isn't the top priority. Without giving away all of the secrets (described below), the Table view allows for incredibly fast sorting and bulk task actions. Build and assign long routes with one click, surface just the delayed tasks that need attention with a simple sort and even filter customer feedback ratings to identify drivers that might need more training.

We think our new Table view will change the way dispatchers interact with Onfleet, saving them hassle and a ton of time. To prove it, let's dive a bit deeper into the new features that are now available.
High Volume View
Table view was designed to save dispatchers time, but also specifically designed for high volume logistics management. This view allows a dispatcher to view, organize and sort a very high volume of deliveries on any device that they use for dispatching. The table is blazing fast, even with thousands of tasks loaded at once.

Fast Sorting
Want to see delayed or failed tasks that might need to be re-assigned? One click to sort by Status. Can your best driver, Sophie, handle taking a few of those delayed tasks? Yup, just one more click to sort by drivers. Dispatchers can quickly sort thousands of delivery tasks to identify and address the areas that need immediate attention.

Filter and Structure Headers
Along those same lines, dispatchers can decide what information they want to see and how those columns are organized. The Table view allows dispatchers to organize the information exactly the way each prefers for their job at hand.

Bulk Actions
With Table view, a dispatcher can select multiple tasks at once and apply bulk actions with one click. Optimize, re-assign or delete many tasks with just a few clicks.

Advanced Search
Looking for a delivery that went to "Paddy.... oh, what was her last name? Mc..." The new find function in the Table lets you instantly access the data you need. This feature allows dispatchers to search through thousands of tasks and quickly find the needle in the haystack that needs their attention.

Modal Quick View
Easily open modals to quickly access more information about tasks, drivers and recipients. This makes it easy for dispatchers to drill into the life cycle of a task or identify drivers that can handle those hotshot deliveries that just won't stop coming in.

We really hope the new Onfleet Table view helps make your delivery operations even more efficient and even more delightful. If you don't currently use Onfleet and want to learn more about how we can help your delivery operations, feel free to contact our sales team.
As always, happy dispatching!
The Onfleet Team